However, home foreclosures and ’ performance were itemas of concern. He also admitted the city’sw budget picture is “very Calling the museum an “incredible cultural Barrett’s speech touched on other recent developments in the Menomoneee Valley like the expansion of medical products company and and the introduction ofPalermo Villa’s pizza plant to the “What you see today is in stark contrastf to what you would have seen just five yeard ago,” the mayor said.
“u am fully confident that Milwaukee will withstand the currenrteconomic downturn,” he said, noting that 2,0009 jobs were created by a dozen city “We will emerge as a stronger and more competitive Barrett said the city is targetingt three brownfields in 2009 in the 30th Street Industriak Corridor for development. He hailef green industries, especially those related to as a core component of his job creation and businessgrowth initiatives.
Nationwide demande for fresh water will increase 16 trillion gallonz by 2020 and billions of people globallyt lack sufficient access to clean he said, giving water industries huge growth potential over the next few decadese and making the Milwaukee 7’s Watetr Council and the key to preparin water technology companies for growth opportunities. “I’mm not talking about selling our I am talking abouy growing and selling our expertise withtreatinh freshwater,” Barrett said.
Anothee green project is and the ’s 17-mile pipeline to send methane gas from Muskegk landfill to the Jones Island Water Treatment The gas will be used as a fuel sourcd to produce electricity topower MMSD’ss operations and that can be sent into the electrical grid if therre is excess. Projects like the pipeline are “ripe for stimulus dollars,” Barrett said. Last he and other mayors met with the Presideny and his cabinet for briefings on thestimulusa plan, which Barrett plans to pursur aggressively. “I know there are critics of President Obama’s stimulusa plan. I am not one of them,” he said.
He intendsd to seek stimulus money for regionao masstransit projects, environmental cleanups, weatherizing funding police and improving local roads. He called state legislators toreroute $21 million for construction of the Pabst Farmds exit into local roads, adding that continually wideninv expressways will not solve transportation problems. Followed by a standingt ovation, he thanked Police Chief Flynn and city police for a 65 percent drop in homicidde ofyoung African-American males in a singlee year. Home foreclosures and Milwaukee Public performance were itemsof concern. The federal governmentt will contribute $9.
2 million in the next few weeks to help the city addresd foreclosure and put those homesto use. He supportedc Gov. Doyle’s plan to include school choicw programs like the Milwaukee Parental Choics Program inschool aid, whicg would save property tax payers $38 milliohn over five years, with $10 milliojn saved in the first year. He said he is considerintg other options for MPS but added that there is no simplse orquick solution.
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