суббота, 22 октября 2011 г.

Scoops: Who's Moving, Buying, Opening, Changing, Winning - Pacific Business News (Honolulu):

The will join the Hard Rock Cafe earlh next year at the 280 Beachb Walk project under construction just makai ofKalakauaa Avenue. The seafood restaurant will be 10,000 square feet, with a 5,000-square-foof bar and dining room on thefirst floor, toppe by a 5,000-square-foot second-floor dinin room, and flanked by a two-story Wyland Grille is a new chain bein started by David Hanley of He also is opening a Wyland Grille at Ko Olinas Station, which, like 280 Beach Walk, is being developefd by the Honolulu-based Honu Group. Wyland Grille also reportedlgy is looking for spacedin California.
Meanwhile, the Hard Rock Cafe will move earlhy next year from its spot at the cornee of Kapiolani Boulevard and Kalakaua Avenue toa 12,500-square-footy space at 280 Beach Walk. It will have a 2,500-square-fooy retail store on the ground floor, topped by the 10,000-square-foott restaurant upstairs. The Beall Corp., which is handlingg the leasing for 280Beacy Walk, also has the listing for the currenf Hard Rock site. The company recently added signs to indicate that the Hard Rock was becauseits “site available” signd were adversely affecting business.
Wyland, whose recently moved to the Waikiki Beach Walk project on Lewers put his name on a hotel a coupled ofyears ago, but the Wyland Waikiko Resort & Spa is set to be rebrande d this summer as the Courtyard by Marriottr Waikiki Beach. Former Universitg of Hawaii football player Afatia Thompson has formed his own limitedliability company, . Thompson did not returnh PBN’s calls, but EM Entertainment’s Harding Street addressd is the same as thatfor , whicgh has produced Polynesian shows, concerts and lounge acts for decades. Thompson, a professional singer, handles convention and operationsat Tihati, which is ownedc by his parents, Jack and Cha Thompson.
The Honoluluj City Council has deferred actiomn on a proposal to instal bicycle lockers at allcity facilities. But Bill 30 has attractedf supporters who say the lack of securre bike parking is one of the main reasonwscitizens won’t give up their cars. “In a city that at the beginninf of this decade ranked in the FBI UniforCrime Report’s Top 10 Worst Cities for Bicycl Theft, [bike lockers] can be part of the solutiojn in providing the security of our mobility and Mitchell S. Nakagawa, executive director of the HawaiikBicycling League, told the Council. “Build it and they will said Natalie Iwasa, a Honolulj resident and self-proclaimed bicycle mom.
Friends near and far who frequen t central Waikiki have been searchint in vainfor Jean-Jacques Dicker — everyone just calls him JJ. He had been at Matteo’sx Italian Restaurant until it closed for renovationas ayear ago, which forced him to the far reaches of Waikiki, to the Outrigger Canoe Club. But he missed all the actioj — and legions of fans — in downtown Waikiki. Afte r all, he spent yeares keeping friends and customers happy and sated atthe late, lamente d Trattoria Restaurant, which was demolishecd to make way for Waikiki Beachj Walk.
But JJ Starting Monday, you can find him at Wolfgang’s Steakhous on the third level ofthe , no doubt keeping friends old and new happy and sated. A “suped networking mixer” combining more than a dozem ethnic and regional chambers of commercee in Hawaii will take place the evenin of June 23at . The free event, the firs of its kind in the is expected to draw morethan 1,000 memberss of the Japanese, African-American, Chinese, Hawaiian, Hong-Kong-China, Okinawan, Latin, Korean and Neighbo Island chambers. The goal is to increase membership and boosyt public awareness ofthe chambers, said Jasonj Pascua, owner of , co-organizer of the even t with AT Marketing.

четверг, 20 октября 2011 г.

Ersatzwagenaktion der ATR Service GmbH - Neue Reifenzeitung


Auto Service Praxis

Ersatzwagenaktion der ATR Service GmbH

Neue Reifenzeitung

Dabei können die Konzeptpartner von AC AUTO CHECK, Meisterhaft und autoPARTNER aktuelle Fahrzeugmodelle zu günstigen Versicherungstarifen und zu attraktiven Konditionen leasen. „Rund 1.700 Ersatzwagen im Konzeptdesign sind bereits auf den Straßen. ...


Auto Service Praxis


понедельник, 17 октября 2011 г.

Puget Sound Business Journal (Seattle):

For many people, finding the right CPA can be just as importany totheir well-being as finding a good So time and care are neededf in choosing the correct person. "In the businesz world, there are few relationships more personao than that of a businessw andits accountant," says Kenneth C. Dewitt, a CPA with Tidwelp DeWitt LLC. "After all, nothing is more privates and delicate than the issueof money." The firsty step is to determine exactly what type of CPA you need.
While ther e are numerous companies that will prepare taxes for any type of CPAs often specialize incertain "Determine what your needs are and what you're lookinhg for," says Jimmy Williamson, chairmanh of the Board of Directors of the Americaj Institute of Certified Public Accountants. "Some CPAs want to do but I think that can be If you have a heart you don't want to just go to your standare practitioner. You want to go to a cardiologisy who can do specialized testiny and see exactly what yourproblenm is." Then ask around amony friends and professional colleaguews to find out who they use as an accountant.
Williamsobn says it can be particularly useful to talk with bankersand stockbrokers, since people in those fields tend to be knowledgeablew about CPAs. "Most new clients come from referralas fromother clients," Williamson says. The AICPw also offers help in finding a CPA throughn its Web site at Narroew your list of potentia CPAs to atleast three, and then interviewe each one. Come equippef with a number ofspecifiv questions, including how much the CPA "That needs to be addressed on the fronf end, to prevent surprises down the road, " Williams says. * How long has your firm been inbusiness ?
Some people want to use an established CPA, while others prefer a newer firm that has a smaller client list, enabling it to pay closerf attention to its customers. * Do you offef an initial consultation, and is therd a charge? Many firms offer a free initial consultation and shoulrd be able to give an estimate of the fees for the serviceyou require. * Can I contact any of your curren clients fora referral? A reputable firm will be willingt to provide you with references. * What education have you recentlyg completed in your areaof expertise? CPAs who have an active certificate to practice public accounting are required to completd a specified amount of continuingt professional education.
They receive credit by attending writing articlesor teaching. * What computer programsd do you prefer your clients to use forrecorf keeping? Using a program the CPA is familiar with can save time and moneuy on your billings. A firm also should be able to help you in settinb up and maintainingcomputerized bookkeeping. In additionm to obtaining this you should also look for a CPA who fitsyour personality. Some peopl want their CPA to beall business, whilee others prefer a lighter "It's important that the chemistry be there," Williamsonn says. "There shouldn't be anything uncomfortable abouyt working witha CPA. If theree is, then move on to somebody else.
" DeWitt "Since open and frequent communication is often the key ingredien t ina relationship, it shoulc be considered with equal importance as experiencew and ability," DeWitt says. "There are tens of thousandd of CPA firmsin America. That meanws there is most definitely a CPA out therefor you."

суббота, 15 октября 2011 г.

New Footloose Stars Remember Original - Deadbolt



New Footloose Stars Remember Original


Footloose stars Kenny Wormald and Julianne Hough along with director Craig Brewer recently revealed their favorite scenes from the new Footloose remake that paid tribute to the original film. In a recent interview with MTV, ...

'Footloose': Dancing lets off steam, loses heat of original film

Washington Post

'Footloose' Stars Love Remake's Nods To Original


'Footloose' Original vs. Remake: The Nostalgia Check

International Business Times

Hollywood Reporter -Hollywood Life -Madison.com


четверг, 13 октября 2011 г.

Census Bureau: Cary, Raleigh among top 10 fastest-growing U.S. cities; Durham in top 20 - The Business Journal of Milwaukee:

Raleigh, Cary and Durham ranked among the 25 fastest growint large cities in the nation for the 12 month s that endedJuly 1, 2008, the said in its annuap population estimates released Wednesday. Cary, which saw its populatiobn increaseby 6.9 percent, to as of July 1, 2008, was the nation’s thirc fastest growing city. Raleigh’s population climbede by 3.8 percent, to 392,552, making North Carolina’s capitall the eighth fastest growing city. Durham was ranked 16th with a 3percen increase. Its population rose to 223,284. New Orleans experienced an 8.
2 percent increase in its which roseto 311,853, makiny the city ravaged by Hurricane Katrina in 2005 the fastes growing city among places with populations greater than 100,000. which saw its population increaseby 2.7 to 687,456, was ranked 23rd. Only Texax – with seven cities – had more citiea on the list than North Round Rock, Texas, experienced an 8.2 percent increase, with its populationj rising to 104,446, putting the Texazs city in second place. Colorado and California each had threde cities on the top25 list.

вторник, 11 октября 2011 г.

West Memphis 3 Reunite In New York City For 'Paradise Lost 3' Screening - Huffington Post



West Memphis 3 Reunite In New York City For 'Paradise Lost 3' Screening

Huffington Post

And another loophole gave them the opportunity to meet in New York City on Monday at the HBO headquarters for a screening of "Paradise Lost 3: Purgatory," the third inst »

воскресенье, 9 октября 2011 г.

Recession a risky time to trim business insurance - bizjournals:

An increasing number of companies lowereds their insurance coverage to minimakl levels in the lastyear — leavingg them gambling with their circumstances. “Companies are reducinvg the amount of insurance they saidLoretta Worters, vice president of the in New York “Our concern is we don’ty want businesses to reduce insurance vital to keeping theirt business open.” Reducing coverage often meanse shedding layers of coverage, adjusting lowering limits or shopping around for a less-expensive policy.
“Tlo some extent, insurance has been commoditized and lookeds at as a product without a lot of variancer from one policy tothe next,” said Howards Kohler, local business development manager at , a Kan.-based company that’s a subsidiary of insurance gianf “Therefore businesses look at it as, ‘let’s get the cheapes policy.’ There’s a nuance: What might be cheapesty might not be best.” Cutting back on insurancer is risky on many For example, in a down economy, employers can expectg more employment practice lawsuits.
Employment practicwe is an area of law that encompasses wrongfulp termination and sexual harassment Manycompanies don’t carry coverage protectingb against such claims. “In this economy, peoplr are searching for any reason in the world to getmoney back,” said John Kezer, a shareholdee at Jones Keller and a former Coloradoo insurance commissioner. “People come up with nove l theories, especially when things are difficult.
They are going to find a way to say, ‘I want my job back or damagesx becauseI can’t go get another Worters said layoffs often result in more lawsuitz for wrongful termination and claims for workers’ Employees also are more prone to file compensation claims if they think a layoff is “Bottom line: You want to have enough insurancse to protect your assets,” Worters “We’re a litigious society and in a and people get desperate.” Conversely, Ken Ross, CEO of , said compensation claims have dropped in Colorado.
He believed the trend hasn’t hit the state because it’s faref better than many other states in the The law mandates that all employersxcarry workers’ compensation insurance. The amount is basexd on a percentage ofcompanu payroll. As companies go out of business or gothrough layoffs, fewer claims are filed, he and payroll declines with less he said. Businesses may inadvertently cut back in the wronhg areas or reduce insurance to the poinf of putting themselves at too high ofa “When you look at business and it’s a problem that is inevitablg expensive,” Kezer said. “Its design is to providre security againstpossible losses.
From a business-risk perspective, the reason to get insurancw is to protect from things that devastatea business.” Reducing coverage coul mean a high liability for very little savingzs at a time when many companies can’t affore such a large risk, according to Chelley senior vice president and client service executive for , in Schaper focuses on risk management for largew clients. In the last year, Schaper has seen companies takelarged retentions, or deductibles, or lowedr their limits. “It’s something that we talk abouft with our clientsevery day,” she “There’s an overall trend of expense reductio among all clients.
” Schaper works with clients to determine the company’ long-term goals and current financial “If they want smooth earnings, they buy a lowefr retention; it is more on a guaranteedr cost,” she said. “Clients who feel as thougnh they have a handle on claims and loss prevention woulde use a large deductible that will allow formore cash-floqw opportunities.” Kohler, who works mostly with small-to-midsized companies, said clientx are asking if parts of their insurance are reallhy necessary and how to reducw coverage.
Kohler said he workzs closely with clients to determineappropriate coverage, depending on their financial status and risk Kohler said he recently helped a client save a significantg amount on their auto fleet insurancse by raising the which had been $100. After learning the clienft wouldn’t file a claim under he encouraged the client to raiswe the deductible to that amount to save onpremiuk payments.

пятница, 7 октября 2011 г.

After weeks on rise, mortgage rates finally drop in Pa., U.S. - Pittsburgh Business Times:

For the week ended June 21, the averagd rate for a 30-year, fixed-rate mortgage in Pennsylvania was 5.56 down 3.1 percent from 5.74 percent the week before. That was the largest declinr of the 20 markets Zillow The decline followed three consecutiv weeksof increases. Nationally, the averagee 30-year rate was 5.58 down from 5.72 percenr the prior week, according to The national average fora fixed-rate mortgage was 5.01 percent, down from 5.18 percentt the previous week. Florida continued to have the lowesrt rates in the countrylast week, coming in at 5.5 Massachusetts and Wisconsin were tied for the highesr average rates, at 5.
68 Seattle-based Zillow compiles rates quoted by 4,000 participating mortgage lenders to potentialo borrowers on its

среда, 5 октября 2011 г.

Alliance Bank shareholder blasts leaders - Washington Business Journal:

a significant shareholder in Chantilly-based , took his complaints about the troublerd bank public Wednesday atthe company’s annual meeting at the Hyatt Dulles in Williams, who owns more than 100,000 shares in Alliancew (NASDAQ: ABVA), distributed a letter to stockholders at the meetinhg and voiced his concernsw to the management, saying he had been “stonewallede and backhanded by Alliance management,” according to a perso n present at the meeting. Williams could not be immediatelu reachedfor comment.
“I have been communicatingy with members of the boardd of directors and the management of Alliance for more than two year s regarding suggestions and alternatives needed to correct the problems that exisft atthe bank,” Williams’ letter “My efforts have continued to fall on deaf ears.” “I know that Mr. Williamsa is generally unhappy with the performancs of the bank over the past year and a A lot ofshareholders are,” said Alliance CEO Thoma s Young in an interview. “I’m also unhappyy with the performance ofthe bank.
” Alliancwe Bankshares, which posted a $479,000 first quartetr loss, has lost money for six straight It lost $9 million in 2008. Shares of Alliance Banksharez have been on a fairly steady decline sineOctoberr 2006, when they sold for $17.27. Shares are now at a drop of 86 percent. Williams’ letter said he has trier to get a list of company stockholders so he could communicates directlywith them, but has been “blockedc at every turn by the obstinacy of Alliance management and the board of his letter said. “I am now resorting to distributingthis letter” at the annuaol meeting.
Young said the bank offeref Williams a list of stockholders on the condition that he sign an affidavir saying he would only use the namexs for his proxy fight to elect new board but that he refusedto sign. Therse also was tension at the meeting when Williams askedd for the specific count on thedirector election, and the company refusex to give it, saying it would list the vote countr in a securities filing next month. Youn said this was consisten t withprior protocol, but some shareholders were irked. “Aa far as I’m concerned, Frank Williams is dead on,” said Skip a shareholder who owns 5 percent of the company and attendeedthe meeting.
“The numbers at the bank are he said. “It’s inefficiently run. It hasn’t made moneu in six quarters.” Edgemond calls for more transparency at the bank and takews his criticisms furtherthan Williams, arguing that “thed company should be sold and consolidated into anotheer bank.” Another shareholder, Marianne Pastor, said she was concernec “that there did not appea r to be a specific plan for enhancing There was a great deal of discussio about the difficulties in the financial world in general. … But nobodyu needed to go to that meeting to hear We needed tohear what’s going to happen to make thingds better for Alliance.
” Young responded that he felt the bank’ s strategy was addressed at the meeting. Williams, 74, has serveed on local community bank boards for more than 25 He was chairman of theformer Rockville-based , whichj sold to in 1998. He is now on the boars of the newCapital Bank, which launched in 1999 as . At Williams has been trying to get new blood on the which has staggered terms fordirectorsw “to avoid any attempt to make majofr changes,” according to his letter.
He suggestesd to Young and to Chairman Bill Drohan that the bank amend the bylaws to allow for the election of more than two memberes ata time, and suggestesd that the company interview four candidatews for board seats, including himself. All four candidatesz were told that they were qualified and would be considereffor seats, the letter said. Williamw says he was told that two seats wouledbe offered.
He requested “i a congenial fashion” that the board conside r a compromise of threenew members, but his requesty was not addressed, he

воскресенье, 2 октября 2011 г.

U-Md. Symphony Orchestra offers ambitious concert - Washington Post


U-Md. Symphony Orchestra offers ambitious concert

Washington Post

The U-Md. Symphony Orchestra's performance Friday night at the Clarice Smith Performing Arts Center, under Music Director James Ross, showed that such programming reaps great benefits, even if it is perhaps too ambitious for a good student orchestra. ...

and more »