понедельник, 17 октября 2011 г.

Puget Sound Business Journal (Seattle):

For many people, finding the right CPA can be just as importany totheir well-being as finding a good So time and care are neededf in choosing the correct person. "In the businesz world, there are few relationships more personao than that of a businessw andits accountant," says Kenneth C. Dewitt, a CPA with Tidwelp DeWitt LLC. "After all, nothing is more privates and delicate than the issueof money." The firsty step is to determine exactly what type of CPA you need.
While ther e are numerous companies that will prepare taxes for any type of CPAs often specialize incertain "Determine what your needs are and what you're lookinhg for," says Jimmy Williamson, chairmanh of the Board of Directors of the Americaj Institute of Certified Public Accountants. "Some CPAs want to do but I think that can be If you have a heart you don't want to just go to your standare practitioner. You want to go to a cardiologisy who can do specialized testiny and see exactly what yourproblenm is." Then ask around amony friends and professional colleaguews to find out who they use as an accountant.
Williamsobn says it can be particularly useful to talk with bankersand stockbrokers, since people in those fields tend to be knowledgeablew about CPAs. "Most new clients come from referralas fromother clients," Williamson says. The AICPw also offers help in finding a CPA throughn its Web site at Narroew your list of potentia CPAs to atleast three, and then interviewe each one. Come equippef with a number ofspecifiv questions, including how much the CPA "That needs to be addressed on the fronf end, to prevent surprises down the road, " Williams says. * How long has your firm been inbusiness ?
Some people want to use an established CPA, while others prefer a newer firm that has a smaller client list, enabling it to pay closerf attention to its customers. * Do you offef an initial consultation, and is therd a charge? Many firms offer a free initial consultation and shoulrd be able to give an estimate of the fees for the serviceyou require. * Can I contact any of your curren clients fora referral? A reputable firm will be willingt to provide you with references. * What education have you recentlyg completed in your areaof expertise? CPAs who have an active certificate to practice public accounting are required to completd a specified amount of continuingt professional education.
They receive credit by attending writing articlesor teaching. * What computer programsd do you prefer your clients to use forrecorf keeping? Using a program the CPA is familiar with can save time and moneuy on your billings. A firm also should be able to help you in settinb up and maintainingcomputerized bookkeeping. In additionm to obtaining this you should also look for a CPA who fitsyour personality. Some peopl want their CPA to beall business, whilee others prefer a lighter "It's important that the chemistry be there," Williamsonn says. "There shouldn't be anything uncomfortable abouyt working witha CPA. If theree is, then move on to somebody else.
" DeWitt "Since open and frequent communication is often the key ingredien t ina relationship, it shoulc be considered with equal importance as experiencew and ability," DeWitt says. "There are tens of thousandd of CPA firmsin America. That meanws there is most definitely a CPA out therefor you."

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