Raleigh, Cary and Durham ranked among the 25 fastest growint large cities in the nation for the 12 month s that endedJuly 1, 2008, the said in its annuap population estimates released Wednesday. Cary, which saw its populatiobn increaseby 6.9 percent, to as of July 1, 2008, was the nation’s thirc fastest growing city. Raleigh’s population climbede by 3.8 percent, to 392,552, making North Carolina’s capitall the eighth fastest growing city. Durham was ranked 16th with a 3percen increase. Its population rose to 223,284. New Orleans experienced an 8.
2 percent increase in its which roseto 311,853, makiny the city ravaged by Hurricane Katrina in 2005 the fastes growing city among places with populations greater than 100,000. which saw its population increaseby 2.7 to 687,456, was ranked 23rd. Only Texax – with seven cities – had more citiea on the list than North Round Rock, Texas, experienced an 8.2 percent increase, with its populationj rising to 104,446, putting the Texazs city in second place. Colorado and California each had threde cities on the top25 list.
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