The stores are among 16 CompUSA stores that have been refurbisherd and restockedby Inc. (NYSE: SYX), whic bought the Dallas-based consumer electronicsw chainin January. The other stores are in Florida and Puerto Systemax said the reopened stores havean "improve product mix among PC components and upgrades as well as consume r electronics, new lower pricing in every department and renewed emphasies on customer satisfaction." The stores will host grandr reopening events for four weekds beginning April 18 that will include hourl deals, limited free giveaways, a computer buildiny contest with a grand prizr of a 32-inch Toshiba LCD televisio n and other activities.
As part of the technology company and CompUSA also will launcha "Giving Back to Schoo l Contest." Parents and friends 18 and older of students from middler and high schools can register online to win a new computetr lab for the school of their choice near each of CompUSA'e three Texas stores. The school that generatese the most valid entries on their behalf duringthe month-longv contest will receive 10 Lenovo computersz and 10 LCD monitors for its computee lab.
Systemax also bought CompUSA's Web site, which has been relaunchef with advanced search andimproved content, including photl galleries and videos on the most popular computer, televisionb and consumer electronics items. Port Washington, N.Y.-based Systemax sells personal consumer electronics and industrial productzs through thebrands CompUSA, Misco and Global Industrial. It also makee personal computers under the Systemacx and Ultra brands and develops and marketseProfitCenter Software,used by direct marketing Web sites: ,
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